Moving Forward - Ideas and Goals

  • We want to build a well-connected Community.  Please join us for the monthly meetings of the Condo Owners Association the third Thursday of each month.  A Zoom Meeting link will be sent to the email address of record for each resident if you are unable to join us in person.
  • Bristol Court Owners may consider submitting a request to the City of Phoenix to obtain historic neighborhood distinction.  Doing so would encourage the City and surrounding stakeholders to consider the activities and amenities appropriate to areas distinguished in this manner, and open up potential for some incentives.
  • Neighborhood Block Watch participation is key to having a cohesive partnership with City of Phoenix Police (602) 261-6151;
  • Email us with ideas and comments--feedback will help this site develop into a virtual community center.
  • Social events allowing residents to meet and greet, share some refreshments, and get to know each other are long overdue. We are exploring venues that will enable us to safely host a social event so we get to know our neighbors.